American Sign Language
American Sign Language (ASL) is the third most studied language in the United States. Almost half a million people use ASL to communicate as their native language and many others learn it as a second language. ASL is understood by seeing with all information through visual facial expressions, hands, and body movements. It also has its own grammatical structure by using visual communication. In addition, ASL reveals a rich deaf culture and deaf history in the United States, while offering a fun, interactive way of learning. These features make ASL an exciting language to learn and use in everyday conversations among with deaf and hearing people.
American Sign Language Courses 2024-2025
Fall 2024
ASL I Mondays/Wednesdays 3-4pm from September 30 – November 20
Winter 2025
ASL I Mondays/Wednesdays 4:30-5:30pm from January 6 – February 26
ASL II Mondays/Wednesdays 3-4pm January 6 – February 26
Please scroll below to see courses that are open for registration. On a desktop computer you can click on the tabs on the left for detailed descriptions of each course. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at or 541-728-3022.
Introductory American Sign Language I
Introductory ASL will focus on basic everyday conversation including a few topics such as family, relationships, activities, work, feeling, animals, home life and more. We will also introduce our Deaf Culture including values and sets of certain behaviors. We will explore how ASL is not merely “English words on our hands” but rather to demonstrate our facial expressions as well as body movements that convey the meanings of the concepts as a language.
Sessions – Winter 2025
This course will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30pm from January 6 – February 26 at our institute. The class will be limited to 10 students to allow for ample opportunity for one-on-one language practice. This course is designed for adults and youth ages 13 and older.
If you have any questions, please email or call us at 541-728-3022 and we would be happy to help!
American Sign Language II
Sessions – Winter 2025
ASL II will meet on Mondays/Wednesdays from 3-4pm from January 6 – February 26 at our institute. The class is limited to 10 people so be sure to sign up in advance. Please contact us at or call us at 541-728-3022 and we would be happy to help.
Baby Signs for Caregivers
Learn basic ASL signs with your baby! Signing gives you and your baby tools to communicate basic needs, feelings and more. When babies are able to communicate, they experience less frustration. Signing encourages language development and if continued can help foster bilingualism. Some of the topics we will learn about are feelings, family members, playtime, and food. This course is designed for parents and children ages 6 months to 2 years.
We are not offering any sessions of this course at this time. Check back in the future for Baby Signs for Caregivers updates. If you have any questions, please email or call us at 541-728-3022 and we would be happy to help!
ASL for Kids
ASL for Kids will help your children learn the basics of American Sign Language in an interactive and fun environment. Kids will learn how to communicate about family, animals, activities, feelings and more. We will develop our language skills through games and storytelling. This class is designed for students ages 8-12 with limited exposure to ASL.
We do not have any sessions currently scheduled for this course. Please check back for future updates! If you have any questions, please email or call us at 541-728-3022 and we would be happy to help.

Current American Sign Language Courses, Tutoring and Events
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