
About Christina Cappy

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So far Christina Cappy has created 44 blog entries.

Fall Courses Are Open


Fall is just around the corner and we are offering a wide array of courses to meet our community's needs. Sign up today! Fall Classes Starting in September Italian: Italian Travel Essentials, Accelerated Introductory Italian I, Italian II, Italian III, Italian IV, Italian Film Critics, Advanced Italian French:  Introductory French I, French II Conversation, French III Conversation, French IV and Up Spanish: Accelerated Introductory Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish III, Spanish Game Nights (NEW!), Spanish Book Club (NEW!) German: Introductory German I, Second Year German I (COCC Credit Option Available) Japanese: Japanese II Conversation ESOL: Everyday English for Beginners, English Conversation for Intermediate Speakers American Sign Language: Baby ASL With Deschutes Public [...]

Fall Courses Are Open2023-08-19T19:20:25+00:00

Take Your Next Step in Language Learning


Join Us for Summer Language Courses We have a range of language courses and learning opportunities starting in July. Take your next step in language learning and join us for a summer of conversation and fun! Courses and Workshops French: French Travel Essentials Workshop, French II Conversation, French IV and Up Italian: Italian Travel Essentials, Italian II, Italian III, Advanced Italian Spanish: Introductory Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish III Conversation, Spanish IV Conversation, Thursday Spanish Conversation Group (NEW!) Japanese: Introductory Japanese I Youth August Summer Camps Spanish: Spanish for Kids (ages 5-7), Spanish for Kids (ages 8-10), Spanish for Youth (ages 11-13) Not sure what is the best class for [...]

Take Your Next Step in Language Learning2023-06-26T23:25:47+00:00

Open House Language Resource Giveaway April 7th


Join us for a fun language resource giveaway! Our Central Oregon community has been incredibly generous in supporting Bend Language Institute the past few years. Every month someone offers to donate books and other language learning materials, which have been much appreciated by our teachers and students. We have a range of materials for beginner language learners and fluent speakers - and now we are overflowing with supplies! We would love to share these resources with others by hosting an Open House Language Resources Giveaway April 7th from 4:30-6pm. Please stop by the Institute to share some tasty snacks, beverages, and casual conversation [...]

Open House Language Resource Giveaway April 7th2023-03-21T17:31:30+00:00

Join Us For Winter Courses


Winter Course Registration Open Join us for some winter fun language learning! We are offering courses in Spanish, French, Italian, German, American Sign Language and Japanese starting mid-January. You can learn some basics in our introductory courses or master your written and conversational skills in our more advanced groups. Aren't sure which class is the best for you? Please reach out to us at 541-728-3022 or and we'll help get you started. American Sign Language: Introductory ASL I, ASL II French: French Travel Essentials, French II Conversation, French III Conversation, Advanced French German: German II (COCC credit option) Italian: Italian [...]

Join Us For Winter Courses2022-11-11T18:18:13+00:00

Am I Too Old to Learn a Language?


Am I Too Old to Learn a Language? By Christina Cappy, PhD | 5-minute read Introduction “Am I too old to learn a language?” This is a question that I have heard time and time again. Popular sayings such as “children’s brains are like sponges” are used as justifications that there is a certain time of life to learn another language, and once past that point learning a language is a lost cause. Older adults tell me that they are interested in learning new skills and travel, but they believe that acquiring a new language is not in the cards for [...]

Am I Too Old to Learn a Language?2022-09-13T18:05:56+00:00

Registration Open for Fall Courses


Fall Classes Are Open! We have a number of classes in German, Italian, French, American Sign Language and Spanish and would love to see you there. You can dip your toes into language learning with a travel essentials class, or master your language skills with more advanced classes. All of our classes have a maximum of 10 people to ensure individualized language learning and ample room for conversation practice. See our list of fall courses below and don't hesitate to reach out for a free language level evaluation to find the best fit for you! German: Introductory German I (COCC credit option) [...]

Registration Open for Fall Courses2022-08-27T17:59:08+00:00

Multilingual Mondays


Join Us For Multilingual Mondays Starting this winter, we will be hosting Multilingual Mondays at Midtown Yacht Club the first Monday of every month from 5:30-7:30pm. This will be a free event for anyone to stop by and practice Italian, French, Spanish, and possibly Arabic or Japanese with a teacher. This venue has tons of food delicious carts, fire pits, and a tent/indoor space so we will have plenty of room to find our language groups and connect with members of our growing multilingual community. Because this Monday already flew by, we will meet for the first time next Monday, January 10th [...]

Multilingual Mondays2022-01-03T19:12:20+00:00

Winter Courses


Winter Courses Are Open The time has arrived to get ready for more language learning this winter! Winter term starts January 10th and we have a number of interactive, small group classes that you should check out. Meet new people in our classes or learn with a friend -- either way it's always best to learn with others. Language classes make excellent gifts too and can motivate people to prepare for upcoming travel. Spanish Accelerated Introductory Spanish I, Spanish II, Past Tenses of Spanish French French I, French II Italian Accelerated Introductory Italian I, Advanced Italian (Drop-In), Italian Travel Essentials  Japanese [...]

Winter Courses2022-01-03T19:11:35+00:00

Fall Courses Are Open


Fall Classes Start September 27th Join us for interactive, small classes starting September 27th! This fall we are offering a range of in-person classes in Spanish, German, Japanese, Italian, French and English. Click the links below to browse our classes, or give us a call at 541-728-3022 and we'd be happy to help find the course that best fits your language learning needs. Spanish Accelerated Introductory Spanish I, Spanish II, Spanish III French French I, French II Italian Italian II, Advanced Italian (Drop-In), Italian Travel Essentials  Japanese Introductory Japanese for Youth I (ages 11-17) ESOL Everyday English German Introductory German I [...]

Fall Courses Are Open2021-08-31T05:42:43+00:00

Connections in the Workplace


Connections in the Workplace People often ask us, who is your most popular kind of student? Why do they want to learn another language? The answer to this question is a hard one to nail down. Many of our students are learning another language to prepare for upcoming travel, connect with family, or join our growing multicultural community. Yet more and more we are seeing another type of student – those looking to connect with others at their workplace. We’ve had small, local business owners jump into our Spanish classes to learn to communicate more effectively with some of their employees. [...]

Connections in the Workplace2021-04-28T17:05:24+00:00
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